Winter Selling Woes? How Landscape Lighting Can Help

Posted on: 28 January 2020

A pleasing appearance is one of the most important points involved in selling a home. In order for homeowners to encourage buyer activity, they must first entice them with the attractiveness of the exterior of the home and the grounds that surround it. In winter, however, the early arrival of dusk can prevent buyers from seeing your home's true beauty.  Luckily, you may be able to circumvent the negative effects of winter's short days with the help of well-placed landscape lighting.
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4 Tips For Growing Your Garden With Seeds

Posted on: 23 October 2019

Having a garden can allow you to enjoy a variety of foods, plants, or flowers. One of the least expensive ways to start your garden is by using seedlings to do so. You can purchase these at a very affordable price, and this can help reduce the overall expense of your garden. However, it's a great idea to know tips that will allow you to have the most success when planting seedlings.
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Purchased A New Butterfly Bush As A Root? 2 Tips To Get It Started And To Keep It Healthy

Posted on: 22 April 2019

If you just purchased a butterfly bush as a root, it will take time for it to grow and start flowering. It will only grow well, however, if you plant it correctly and take care of it. To help your butterfly bush start blooming those beautiful flowers, below are some tips to get the root started, as well as keeping the bush healthy throughout its growing stages. 1. Start Out Small
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Are You Landscaping A Large Property In The Country?

Posted on: 11 October 2017

Have you recently bought a country home with large acreage? Perhaps your dream of leaving the hustle and bustle of city life has finally come true. If you are raising your children in the country, you are probably excited about them having natural surroundings as their play place. Planning what you'll do with your large acreage might be a bit daunting, but it doesn't have to be. From making a plan to buying a tractor, here are some ideas that might help you as you landscape your large property in the country:
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